Tags: Clinical Education Educational Practices Nurse Education
Discussing the use of standardized patients (SPs) for difficult conversations with patients regarding substance use. We included student feedback to support the importance of using SPs.
Read More →Tags: clinical Clinical Education fall care fall prevention falls nursing
Post-Fall care practices are an integral aspect to patient care. As we care for older adults it is important to consider post-fall care practices.
Read More →Tags: bedside reporting Clinical Education healthcare team patient involvement patient safety reporting
Communication is an integral part of nursing care. The implementation of bedside reporting practices provides an avenue for best practices and improved outcomes.
Read More →Tags: chemotherapy clinical Clinical Education clinicals Evidence-based nursing patient care patient education patient satisfaction student nurse students
Nowadays, evidence-based education with a serious purpose, explicit and rational than the best current evidence to decision-making in nursing education has been addressed. This study aimed to assess the effect of clinical evidence based on the quality of patient care was performed Usual care based on traditional evidence-based care training has been under almost identical. Student feedback questionnaire data, patient satisfaction and quality of care were collected and then were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistics. This study suggests that the use of evidence-based education in nursing care is not only effective as traditional education. But also knowledge and skills and promote high quality of care and the patient's hospital stay and costs were reduced.
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